Fergus....FITCH Ferguson - The Second Guide

Scotsmen are crazy....no ifs, ands, or buts about it. They're crazier still when they're dead. My second guide is a Scotsman, but not from the original settlement in which my city now stands. He's related to the Scott family ......or at least thinks he is. Likely a ghostie who saw the family on a trip and decided to adopt the bunch of them. Sees the boys as nephews; has a special affinity for Jonathan . Map of Scotland Looks to be middle aged. Shows himself mostly bald; sometimes with facial hair, sometimes without. Is a very tall, slender fella' with muscles. I know this because he doesn't often wear a shirt. Suffers from "Scottish halitosis breathe". Can change his form however he wishes.....so shouldn't be an issue, but don't know if he truly understands this. Perhaps he just likes remaining true to his former self. When he shouts his name (which he does every time he manifests) it sounds...