Home Again

Scottish men are by nature very romantic, super generous, have stamina up the yin-yang, and well.....let's just say God didn't "chintz" on them. A small few feel so deeply, they become overwhelmed by new sensations......suffer panic and anxiety attacks in response. Jonathan Scott falls into this category......and I'm pointing this out because there are a million women who think what they see on Property Brothers , Property Brothers - Buying And Selling , and social media is who he is. It is him.......in a work environment, but not a social or personal one. One special lady will see the difference......know how to calm and soothe him when emotions run high. Have no doubt Jonathan will find her......when he's ready to see. The Scott Family As for me, everything about these guys keeps bringing me back " home "......awakening skills and senses I thought long lost. " Industry eyes " and " designer's mind ...