
Good-Night......Prince Charming

Jonathan Silver Scott Earliest song I played obsessively was Pat Benatar 's Love Is A Battlefield .  Jonathan Scott and I met on a battlefield , our first lifetime.  January 17 is the day I was "officially" diagnosed with Hashimoto's ; this year, the Scott's threw a birthday party .......for someone else.  First "celebrity" thread I ever contributed.....was this; it's dated August I returned to Twitter .  It's weird we lived in the same city, same year; returned home same time.....because something beyond our control sidetracked our dreams.  We've not met .....but for a time, was convinced I'd not be leaving this world before that happened.  Crazy as it sounds.....moment I doubted, Jonathan "appeared" in my home.......flesh and blood; close enough to see every line on his face....spoke my name; fainted. Have always referred to him as Jonathan Scott ......for tagging purposes, but he's been  John ........

11:11 The Sign of the Twin Flames

SMP, The After-Grad Party Sometimes I wonder if Jonathan Scott has awareness of me.  The more I learn about the twin flame connection , the more I question if I'm the only one.  Maybe that's why I see his soul so effortlessly; because we are  one soul in two bodies ?  If that's the case, can he see mine? Having  ONE soul , also means having  ONE Karma ; we're not individuals reaping what we sow, independent from others.  If one acts accordingly, the other benefits.....pays the price otherwise.  Suspect Jonathan and I will never share memories from common lifetimes for this reason; only one of us is responsible for clearing the karmic debt associated with it.  He has "awareness" of a past life in which we were " sworn enemies "; sports a scar same location as his death blow......but doubt he would recall details in the same manner I did.  Found myself screaming, " YOU LEFT ME!  YOU WERE MY ONLY FRIEND; MY ONLY...

The Awakening

March 22, 2018  was the day in which the events of A Banshee's Cry took place.  Precisely one year later, a couple of visions would spell the end of this particular leg of my journey.  Was to be born  March 22 , but an accident caused my mother to delivery me early.  I am exactly three years, two months, and two days older than Jonathan and Drew .  322  is said to be a sign of a powerful spiritual awakening.  #ILoveJonathanScott Drew Scott has a tendency to go a bit heavy with scented soaps.  Noticed this when I found myself trailing behind both him and Linda Phan , at a height level to his.  Thought I'd gone crazy.......until I learnt about the supernatural aspects of the twin flame phenomena.  Explained those times I glanced into a mirror......and saw Jonathan 's eyes in place of my own.  This is one of many photos in which I can see my face in his.  There were multiple occasions where I glimpsed ...