The Red Thread

ज ो न ा थ न red late-ripening apple; primarily eaten raw Jonathan Hadn't thought of this guy since grade school. Suppose he came to mind while watching Drew's Honeymoon House because his name is Jonathan. He was the first boy to like me. I did not share his feelings. I was a John Schneider girl, dreaming of having Bo Duke babies with golden locks like my mother's. Jonathan loved playing with my hair and tagged along wherever the girls were. This did not win me friends. One day he got brazen and kissed me right in the middle of kindergarten class. I rewarded him by giving him his first black eye. He escaped punishment, but for my crime I was sent to the corner and told I was a bad Christian girl.....a phrase I'd become quite familiar with. It was Jonathan's fault; it all started with him....and from that day forward I took to calling him "Trouble". Unfortunately "T...