The Art of Precious Scars

I suspect there's a reason why the more I see of these Property Brothers , the more intertwined they become in my present journey. I am a fan of their work, but unlike others I do not see their so-called "charmed life" as answer to some "happily-ever-after" prayer. People who know my name think much the same about me....which is why I can say in all honesty, money and power do not equate to happiness. Lauren B Jewellery I recall an argument from my film theory/marketing class regarding the popularity of its attractiveness laid in its simplicity and symmetry; a vast contract to life which is messy, complex, and complicated. In pondering this, I realized why these two appeal to the masses, even more than some of their contemporaries. As identical twins, they appear as if two-sides of the same face....not unlike the god Janus . I laugh when recollecting a post in which the implication was...