
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Muse

Spoke very little when I was young.....because I stuttered.  Vocals functioned only when I sang.  Dreams of being a singer died the day I woke up unable to carry a tune.  Mom sought out specialists.  Was her idea to offer me a new voice in the form of a blank diary, when all else failed. Street Art 9 Photograph by Blue Muse Fine Arts My love for music comes from her side.  She played Beethoven to my brother in the womb; likely is responsible for his adoration of classical music.  Think my Grandpa may have played the fiddle.  His mother was affluent on the harp, so much so she was approached dozens of times about world tours.  Wanted a family more than she wanted fame.  I am particularly fond of the violin and piano.  Music is a huge part of my life.....especially during times when I'm needing to feed and nourish my soul.  This period was no different......except the songs I usually sought, brought me no comfort.  T...

"Sailing With The Scotts"

Sailing With The Scotts 2018 Highlights Every once in a while an object comes into my possession I know is not meant for me.  I'll be drawn to it quite suddenly; find myself playing with the idea of having it more and more until "needing" it grows into an obsession.  The instant I become overwhelmed by the certainty it HAS TO be with me, I obtain it.......only to discover, I'm simply meant to hold onto it for safe keeping.  The person whom it's truly for eventually is sent to me.    There's been a reason for everything on this journey......including my growing interest in Sailing With The Scotts .  Didn't start out that way.  Was only meant to be an option IF I could not deter my brother from this cruise idea.  Got nothing against cruises.  Haven't even been on one.  It's just......the one he had in mind would not have been anywhere close to fun for me.  After hearing about Sailing With The Scotts on  Google Talk , ...

"Dream Home"

Never had a fear of water.....until I found myself submerged by wind and waves.  Mom came to my aid; told me to "STOP FIGHTING!"  Stop fighting the currents.  Stop fighting to surface.  Wanted me to let go of trying to control the situation.  I did as she said.....and rose to the top.  Was hit by another wave...but instead of taking me under, its force carried me to the safety of shore.  This is exactly how my experiences leading towards the Property Brothers have been thus "tidal forces" pushing and pulling at me.  I was not aware at first, for many reasons......subtleties, self-absorption.  The day I decided to leave the  Property Brothers  though......well, that's when everything changed. Hollywood Reporter I was giving it one last shot, finding and seeing the Property Brothers - At Home show.......otherwise I was walking away from these men forever.  Was already anticipating a bust........whic...